Wednesday, September 22, 2010

9/22 Apartment Inspection, Student Desk, Activation of Debit Card, Textbooks, Barbecue

    My housemates are all here in our house now. Taimour is a Freshman from Pakistan, and he is majoring in Economics. Samuel is a third-year local student, and his major is computer engineering. Karan, a mechanical engineering major, comes from India, and he's got his master's degree in Michigan University and is doing his Phd here.

    It was sort of like a dice roll that we got to living in the same house. We are one family now, and I will spend my ten months here with them.
    Today, we woke up early and got a apartment inspection checklist(like this : from our manager. Then, we just checked our apartment and made notes of any damage or anything to fix. Actually, this should be done before we signed the lease. However, even though we've already signed the lease, we should still make sure everything is ok when we moved in.
Plus, we created common space rules and regulations so that there should be a positive environment for us and fewer communication problems. So, I spent my whole morning on stuff about my appartment.
    As it was approaching noon, I gave a call to Jack, trying to enlist his help in picking up a student desk, which I wanted to buy from Sarah's friends for only $10. Fortunately, he was available and I got my wooden desk eventually. A huge THANK YOU to Jack.

   In the late afternoon, I took a bus to UCD campus along with Taimour. There, I activated again my new temporary debit card at an ATM. In reality, I used to have a debit card, but I thought it was missing and had called BOA(Bank of America) to cancel it.(I lost my wallet a few days ago, but I was informed by Amtrak train staff that it was found. So I got it back.^^)

    After that, I walked around in UCD bookstore in search of textbooks for my classes. I spent seventy dollars on one book, Health: the Basics, which I later found to be a lot cheaper in another bookstore. This made me feel bad for the rest of the day. Yet, at least I bought another book, Reasons and Responsibility at a lower(or reasoable) price.
    Then, I bumped into one Japanese guy, Hide, and then another, Ryo. They are both my friends, yet they didn't know each other. Saying goodby to Hide, Ryo came with us to "New Student Welcom Night," where we watched a skit, listened to Pastor Jonathan's message, and etc. From that came the barbecue and asian dinner, which is nigh on irresistible. We had a hamburger with beef burger patty, some rice with tofu, a selection of snacks(like Lays, Doritos, Cheetos).

    At around 7:40, we decided not to stay for games or winning prizes, as Taimour and I both had classes tomorrow at 9:10, and we'd better sleep early tonight. Thus, despite the activity about to heat up figuratively, we went home!!!

"Something in a Mug"

9/20 Campus Tour and Pre-rally Barbecue

9/19 Trip to Sacramento

9/18 San Francisco Trip

9/17 Shopping at Walmart

9/16 Shields Library Tour

9/15 Shopping in Woodland

Thanks to Jack, I got my chair, book shelf, T-shirt, hangers from Target. He is a friend of Will, who is a DCF(Davis Christian Fellowship) director and also an organizer of this shopping activity. Actually, we ought to take a bus to Target(a large retailer), as required by our school.(for some reason I don't know) Nevertheless, Jack still drove us to a nearby Target. There were, in fact, only three people joining this activity, Taimour, Sarah, and me. Peter, a member of DCF came along with us, too. He was originally from China, and it was great talking with him(in the picture below.)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Orientation Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It's orientation day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so much looking forward to new international student orientation in UCD for the past few days. I really wanted to meet other international students and to have some fun together. However, I didn't sleep quite well the night before partly because I was pretty excited about it and partly because I actually took a long catnap that afternoon.
    It turned out that this morning I slept in and missed the first bus to school. And in fact, I told Taimour that I would wake him up at 6.30 a.m. yesterday, but I was embarassed that it was him that woke me up at 7:10 a.m.  So, I have to say my day did not get off to a good start. Yet, everything seemed to go smoothly for the rest of the day. We took the second bus to the campus, and were only ten minutes late to the event, which started at 8:00.Then, we had our breakfast before the school building, 1100 Social Sciences and Humanities. We enjoyed some brownies with a cup of black coffee. At the same time, I got to know many international students; most of them come from China, some from Hong Kong, one from Malaysia(Juin), and interestingly enough, we talked in Chinese for a while.
     The next session began at 9:00. We went into an auditorium and sat there for almost 10 hours, with only a lunch break at noon and snack break later in the afternoon.I learned important information about immigration and visa regulations as well as SISS services. Furthermore, I was much better acquainted with the educational and cultural environment at UC Davis, the town of Davis. BTW, in the end, I made some friends, and among them are Ryo(Japanese) and Marceus (Dutch), with whom I spent some more time chatting. We sort of exchanged our contact information and then we said good-bye.

This picture is taken in the beginning of the orientation. I think the man is the EAP (Education Abroad Program) coordinator...but not quite sure about it... sorry, I wasn't attentive to his introduction.. He welcomed us to UCD, as other speakers later would do, so we were like welcomed more than ten times. He asked us to stand and accept the applause from other students if the slide showed the flag of our country. Lots of people come from China, making up more than sixty percent of the international students there. However, there is only one Pakistan, and that would be my housemate. Cool? Also, there is only one Malaysian (the one I met at breakfast) and one Rwandan. If I remember, there were students from more than 40 countries in the world.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Boring afternoon..............

     I had nothing to do this afternoon. In fact, I had a number of things on my mind. I haven't opened a bank account, haven't got a desk, a bike, a cellphone, and etc. However, I couldn't do any of these things on this weekend because Bank of America wasn't open and still worse, I don't have a car to drive to the nearest store to get what I want. So, I decided to play basketball outside with Taimour.

Thank God my housemate woke me up....

Today I didn't get up until 11 o'clock, and if it were not for Taimour, I would have slept until nightfall. Then I may have just one meal(, which is actually a good way to save my money).
We had our brunch together. I fried some chicken thighs, toasted some toast with peanut butter on top, and then I just sat down and enjoyed my breakfast, also with a glass of orange juice with pulp. I think I've never got this mighty serious about breakfast before. Most of the time in the past, I would often eat bread and milk for breakfast or even have no breakfast. But , here, breakfast is not something I can have for the asking, so I have to prepare it for myself.

"Eat your breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day!"..............................

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Cockroach Brains May Hold New Antibiotics?

Cockroach Brains May Hold New Antibiotics?

How to Find a Microwave Oven's Wattage |

How to Find a Microwave Oven's Wattage |

How to Utilize Your Microwave Power Settings |

How to Utilize Your Microwave Power Settings |

A long walk to UCD campus

Sept. 11 2010- I woke up early this morning, probably at around 3.30, and then I couldn't fall asleep again. I became so conscious that my mind was wandering. So, I decided no to force myself to sleep, as my experience told me that the tension may rise as the fear of not being able to sleep begins to take root in the pit of my stomach, which would only make it harder to sleep.
At 5 o'clock, I went to the study lounge to check my facebook and update my blog. Then, I searched for information about buying a new phone at AT&T, as I haven't called back once and should get one as soon as possible. There are many kinds of cell phone plans, including individual plan, family plan, prepaid plan, and etc. Also, there are some nice cell phone deals and packages; the free package is really attractive to me, as I can get a free smartphone. Yet, it requires me to sign a two-year contract, so I'd rather not choose that package. In the end, with the help of a sales associate at a AT&T retail store, I felt like choosing a prepaid package. Maybe next week I'll buy "Nokia 2320 GoPhone® Package", which is the cheapest(and the ugliest?).
At 9:30, I went back to my townhome and waited for Taimour (my pakistani housemate) to be off to wander the campus . He said he wanted to come with me to UCD campus last night, so I had to wait until he get up. However, he didn't actually come along, as he was treated to lunch by his uncle. So, I walked myself all the way from North Davis to UCD campus, which is farther than I expected. However, I just took my time and enjoyed all the beautiful scenery in Davis.

On the way back, I took the unitran J line back to Chaparral Apt. I thought I would have pay one dollar(actually I should as I haven't got my student ID, and only those with undergrad student ID can take it for free), but the driver said I didn't have to as I am UCD student. I was happy about that!^^..
Later, I went shopping at Safeway, and spent around $29 on all the stuff shown in the picture below.

Finally, I opted not to cook but to eat frozen food as I was lazy.

Pictures taken these days.......

I spent a total of 19 hours travelling from Taipei to San Francisco, inclusive of flight time and quite a long time to transfer. In the following are some picture taken during this period.

Waiting in line to board through Gate B8...........................
A snapshot taken from inside the airport lounge....where I had a little wait before boarding
I boarded China Airline flight XXX, headed for Incheon International Airpor. This picture is taken shortly before takeoff from Taoyuan Internation Airport.

The in-flight meal I had....... In the end, I didn't eat the I wasn't hungry then .......I already had my breakfast before boarding...

Screen on the back of an airplane seat....the images in which showed we were getting closer to Incheon.

Arriving at Incheon International Airport......

Arriving in Seoul, I randomly took a picture of a departure timetable at the airport.

I met the king and the queen at the airport. This is a special event put on by the Airport on departure at passenger terminal, reenacting "Walk of the Royal Family" of Korea’s Joseon Dynasty. They only "walk" twice a day, at 11:30 am and 5 pm. So, I think I am lucky enough to see this "Walk".

This picture is taken in the Passenger Terminal Building. And shown in the picture is Departure Gate 50. Mine should be Gate 19, but I don't know why I thought it was Gate 50 then.

Airline meal( in-flight meal)----This is the meal for the economy class of Korean Air. It included porridge, water, flavored rice, fruit, etc, served in one tray. I was told by a Korean guy, next to me, to add some seasoning before eating the porridge. Then, it tasted really good,no longer flavorless.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Never Forget by Oliver North on - A Syndicate Of Talent

Never Forget by Oliver North on - A Syndicate Of Talent

I got up late... very late

Sept. 10 2010

I got up very late today. Actually, it wasn't until 3:20 pm that I woke up. I remember I did woke up once at 8:20 am. because I was feeling very cold. The light blanket(or quilt) I brought with me from Taiwan didn't seem to keep me warm. So, I rolled out of bed to put on a heavy coat, and quickly went back to sleep.

Drinking a cup of milk for breakfast(afternoon tea?), I went to Safeway in the Marketplace to buy a money order so that I can pay $548.36 for my security deposit and first month's rent. When I got to the office of Chaparral Apt., the manager wasn't there. She left a notice on the floor that said she'll be back at 4:30, so I just waited at the study lounge. I took out a map of UCD campus, and tried to pointed out some buildings I'll visit in the following days. At around 4:40, I paid the manager for the rent. Then today's mission completed.

Now it's 6:39 pm. I'm going home to cook my dinner.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Welcome to California

Today is September ninth in California. Since I crossed the international date line, I arrived at San Francisco Airport(SFO) on the same day I flied to Korea to transfer to another plane bound for SFO. Rwight now it is 18:15, and later I would have to feed myself for dinner. (In Taiwan, it is 9:15 now.)

9/9 seems a long long day to me, from the teary(or not) airport farewell in Taiwan to now settling down in Davis, U.S. This time, I am going to be away from home for ten months.

At Taoyung International Airport, deep down I knew I would have to travel alone and I am going to miss my family and friends in Taiwan. I am undaunted by my solo trip to the U.S., yet saddened by the mere thought of not seeing my family. By the time I waved good-bye to my sister and her boyfriend, I got a little bit teary-eyed, though trying hard to be strong. Then, lining up at the immigration counter, I called my mom to say good-bye, which was really hard for me. I was almost mute when I heard my mom's voice on the other end. I said I was going to go aboard, and then said only "goodbye" even though she was asking other questions. Hearing no response from me and perhaps a catch in my voice, she told me to take care of myself. Then from that comes a hint of tears in my eyes, and more...... But all my surging emotion subsided when I was going through immigraion and customs.

At 7.45, the plan took off to Korea and landed at 11.25(or so). Though I booked Korean Air ticket, I took the airplane from China Airline; maybe they have some sort of partnership. Anyway, I stayed at Incheon International Airport for 5 hours, during which I wandered around and enjoyed the facility and beauty it offered. Not surprisingly, it is one of the greatest Airport in the world. Still, all those five hours were also spent on reading newspapers and magazines.

Next, I took another plane, which was literally from Korean Air, heading for SFO. There are fine food, drinks, and a service that leaves nothing to be desire.However, I didn't sleep well on the plane, as I felt pain in my thigh from sitting too long. Worse still, I had a cup of red wine, followed by a cup of tea, and this had me through the agony and caused me dizziness. I really had been a tormenting moment for me. Nevertheless, I arrived at California safe and sound and had met one of my housemates from Pakistan, who seems to be nice and friendly.

Tomorrow, I am going to buy a bed, a desk, and other furniture, hoping to spruce my room up so that I can live in a good place for ten months.

PS: I'll post some pictures tmr.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My concern revolves around buying a rolling luggage.

With only a few days left my trip to the US, I still have a lot of things to get done. First and foremost, I must find a stronger and lighter wheeled luggage, in which I can put my stuff. Actually, I already have a luggage medium-sized luggage, which I took with me to Australila. However, I will stay in the U.S. for ten-month this time, and I don't think the luggage can hold a large number of items. That said, I am now in two minds about whether to buy a bigger one or not.
I've been seeking information online, have asked some friends for advice, and discussed it with my family. At last, I realized that most airlines only permits a maximum of two checked in bags and one carry-on piece. Furthermore, each check-in bags should weigh no more than 20 kg.(23kg in the case of flying to U.S), which amounts to 40 kg in total.
So, here's my strategy of carrying things given the requirement. I decided to check in two bags, one rolling luggage and one duffel bag. Hopefully I won't have to dump things due to bag overweight.

PS: While I surfing the internet, I happened to marvel at the newest luggage, featuring a built-in scale to let you know when your bag is overweight. Isn't that amazing? But, as you might already know, it is super expensive.


Dated Stereotypes Behind Dateless Nights? by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar on - A Syndicate Of Talent

Dated Stereotypes Behind Dateless Nights? by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar on - A Syndicate Of Talent