Sunday, September 12, 2010

Thank God my housemate woke me up....

Today I didn't get up until 11 o'clock, and if it were not for Taimour, I would have slept until nightfall. Then I may have just one meal(, which is actually a good way to save my money).
We had our brunch together. I fried some chicken thighs, toasted some toast with peanut butter on top, and then I just sat down and enjoyed my breakfast, also with a glass of orange juice with pulp. I think I've never got this mighty serious about breakfast before. Most of the time in the past, I would often eat bread and milk for breakfast or even have no breakfast. But , here, breakfast is not something I can have for the asking, so I have to prepare it for myself.

"Eat your breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day!"..............................


  1. Why do you get up so late?
    Haven't you adjust the time difference well?

    Hum...playing basketbell is a fast way for making friends.

    lol for you & >< for me.............hah

  2. I guess it's jet lag, which may last many days. Now I am still adjusting my biological clock, but hopefully, I won't oversleep again or have a sleep disorder from today onwards.(not counting today I slept in this morning because of being wide awkake at night for some reasons.)

    Actually, it was only me playing basketball. Taimour didn't quite know how to play basketball, and felt more like playing soccer. He actually kick the basketball as a soccer ball, which I didn't take a picture of.

    lol for me???????

    >< fo ? I don't quite get you...How have you been doing?

  3. Never mind, that's just a groan from a poor basketball player who sends his compliment to you...^+++^

    Kicking a basketball is a funny scene. It is a pity that no pictures about it while still fortunate that he didn't get hurt.

    Prof. Ma's translation class is really demanding. Except grammar practice, there are still English-Chinese as well as "Ancient Chinese"-English translation weekly practice. The load is double.
    I have my will touched by your can-do spirit to take the challenge and believe that going through this tough training will benefits me .... And I have to think in this way....

    Mrs. Chung appointed a recording homework. To my surprise, I found my accent of Chinese resembled with Prof Ma's in some respects, whereas my English is clearer than my Chinese...hah...(My freshman-mentor once even asked me whether I was a Chinese living abroad...)

    Yes, that was jet lag, I consciously felt something was wrong but I could not dissolve it on the spot...thanks for your correction and sorry to make you kinda confused...m(--)m

    To speak frankly, since now I am pressed by the facts and names in the Nortons, every now and then this state extinguishes my will to expose myself to new information from daily life. However, at least by following your oversea "felicity" punctually I can push myself with content.Perhaps, I will have fewer and fewer energy to leave message to you as the "expiration" impends....Anyway,take care of your health^^"

  4. OMG.... sounds like the workload of the translation course is really demanding...In the translation class last semester, I don't think we got homework everyweek, and rather, we had group work at times and some in-class exercises. Still I have to say, you will learn a lot from each homework. ^^

    And it is interesting that you said your accent is similar to Prof Ma's. I didn't actually notice you had any accent........

    I wish you good luck.....and keep up your good work!!!
