Wednesday, September 22, 2010

9/22 Apartment Inspection, Student Desk, Activation of Debit Card, Textbooks, Barbecue

    My housemates are all here in our house now. Taimour is a Freshman from Pakistan, and he is majoring in Economics. Samuel is a third-year local student, and his major is computer engineering. Karan, a mechanical engineering major, comes from India, and he's got his master's degree in Michigan University and is doing his Phd here.

    It was sort of like a dice roll that we got to living in the same house. We are one family now, and I will spend my ten months here with them.
    Today, we woke up early and got a apartment inspection checklist(like this : from our manager. Then, we just checked our apartment and made notes of any damage or anything to fix. Actually, this should be done before we signed the lease. However, even though we've already signed the lease, we should still make sure everything is ok when we moved in.
Plus, we created common space rules and regulations so that there should be a positive environment for us and fewer communication problems. So, I spent my whole morning on stuff about my appartment.
    As it was approaching noon, I gave a call to Jack, trying to enlist his help in picking up a student desk, which I wanted to buy from Sarah's friends for only $10. Fortunately, he was available and I got my wooden desk eventually. A huge THANK YOU to Jack.

   In the late afternoon, I took a bus to UCD campus along with Taimour. There, I activated again my new temporary debit card at an ATM. In reality, I used to have a debit card, but I thought it was missing and had called BOA(Bank of America) to cancel it.(I lost my wallet a few days ago, but I was informed by Amtrak train staff that it was found. So I got it back.^^)

    After that, I walked around in UCD bookstore in search of textbooks for my classes. I spent seventy dollars on one book, Health: the Basics, which I later found to be a lot cheaper in another bookstore. This made me feel bad for the rest of the day. Yet, at least I bought another book, Reasons and Responsibility at a lower(or reasoable) price.
    Then, I bumped into one Japanese guy, Hide, and then another, Ryo. They are both my friends, yet they didn't know each other. Saying goodby to Hide, Ryo came with us to "New Student Welcom Night," where we watched a skit, listened to Pastor Jonathan's message, and etc. From that came the barbecue and asian dinner, which is nigh on irresistible. We had a hamburger with beef burger patty, some rice with tofu, a selection of snacks(like Lays, Doritos, Cheetos).

    At around 7:40, we decided not to stay for games or winning prizes, as Taimour and I both had classes tomorrow at 9:10, and we'd better sleep early tonight. Thus, despite the activity about to heat up figuratively, we went home!!!

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