Monday, July 26, 2010

Are there still loose ends dangling?

It's about time to get back on track. Last week, I travelled around Taiwan by train, and had a great time with my teammates. But this week, I have to get something done as I was told by Mom not to put off anything that should be finished earlier.
Thus, this morning, I got up not too late so that I could take back the documents for reimbursement and also fetch my passport. Meanwhile, I also went to a doctor for I felt my back pain worsen. The doctor prescribed me some anti-inflammatory pills and muscle relaxants. And much to my relief, I did get better after taking this medicine. I told myself as well that I should stay healthy for without health, life is like a bird withour wings and without hope.
Having take a siesta, I sat in front of my laptop for a while, surfing the Web and lazing the afternoon away. At around 3 o'clock, I went out to meet Eric, who gave me some receipts and certificates so that I could do the reimbursement.
When the night fell, I rode my scooter to Yonghe, and went along with driving training coaches to San-Siah. Yet, I only got one chance to drive the whole route in 3 hours. What a waste of time.
Still, all was not lost. I got to know a freshman-to-be tonight. He had a very different background compared with me. He studied in a senior high school in Paraguay, and is going to study in Fu-Dan university, China, this september. His major would be medicine. We talked about each other, and idled away the three hours together.
On our way to Yonghe, the driver and coach, droved qutie fast, even up to the speed of 180 km/hour. Shocking, isn't it? Some 30 minutes later, we reached out destination, relieved.
Now it is 20 mins to 2 o'clock. What did I just say about health? Ok! I did make an exception today.....

Sleep tight and sweet dream. ^^

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